
This is the day I have been waiting for!!! I am very fortunate to partner with an incredibly talented and brilliant woman, Kelsey Newkham from Feather & Twine Photography. I am a huge fan of her photography work and her lovely way of being. I admire the way she captures the essence of a person, a moment and a feeling.Together we have dreamed for months and put this dream to work. Now it is a reality and  we could not be more excited! Feather-ly is a traveling boudoir company devoted to empowering women to love their bodies, and shape their self-confidence, through something as simple as a boudoir session. The concept was born from the idea of uniting our talents on something that we as woman feel very strongly about. Being a woman is beautiful, and it’s an art. Together we plan on making every women that decides to experience the Feather-ly sessions love the skin the live in and love themselves just as gorgeous as they are, and that is our mission.

The best part is, we plan on traveling anywhere you lovely ladies want us! In any given city, when we get at least 3 interested ladies, we will plan a trip and go that way! It’s the ultimate treatment: we book the hotel, we do your hair and makeup, we take the photos and we help style the whole shoot together. All you have to do is bring yourself, some clothes that make you feel sexy, a willingness to try anything, some champagne and tell us whose music makes you want to break in to a dance! We are hoping to do more in Dallas and travel to Austin, Houston and New York City by the end of the year!

If you are interested in reading more about feather-ly, head over to www.feather-ly.com, read our about us and shoot us a hello!

Feather-ly (video)





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